Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 2, 2012

Vampire Wars gets fierce with Hyena Familiars, fancy with Wedding Avatar sets

Vampire Wars Hyena Familiars
While the lot of you blood suckers were gallivanting around Paris, Zynga updated Vampire Wars with brand new familiars and avatar sets. Firstly, the new Hyena familiars go for quite a lot of Favor Points each, which isn't helped by the fact that you must buy them in succession to have all three.

    Zombie Hyena: Costs 40 Favor Points, grants 25 maximum Energy
    Spotted Hyena: Cost Unknown*, grants 40 Energy
    Fire Hyena: Cost Unknown*, grants 55 Energy

*Because the Spotted and Fire Hyenas are locked for purchase until the Zombie Hyena is paid for, it's unknown what these two familiars will cost. But if past pricing on familiars is any indication, expect the Spotted and Fire Hyenas to cost around 60 and 80 Favor Points respectively. For 180 Favor Points, or about $25, these three Hyenas and an extra 120 Energy can be yours, but how do they stack up to the Wedding Avatar sets?

Check behind the cut for a closer look at the Avatar sets and which set of items is a better deal.
Vampire Wars Avatar Wedding sets
The new Bride and Groom Avatar sets are fitting with the theme of the Paris Missions currently underway and are a steal compared to the Hyena familiars. Both sets go for 35 Favor Points, or around $4, and carry different stats. The Bride set comes with a bonus of 7 Attack, 6 Defense and 10 Energy, while the Groom set is equipped with 5 Attack, 4 Defense and 14 Energy. It's odd that these sets aren't balanced as surely some vampire ladies would want more Energy while vampire lords would enjoy more fighting stats.

For what it's worth, each Hyena does provide quite a lot of Energy, but at $25 total--compared to similar items in other games like Happy Pets' Experience Idol--is asking a bit much no matter how you slice it (they'll sell like hotcakes either way). But, for less cash and a better variety of stats, either one of the new Avatar sets is a much better deal.

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